Expert Guide to Understanding SMS Marketing for eCommerce Industry

July 16, 2024

You can reach your Audience efficiently yet conveniently by using SMS marketing, thus increasing your leads, sales, and popularity among the masses.

It has been recorded by Twiliyo that 9/10 people actually prefer native text messages to talk to business as compared to email marketing.

This shows the vast potential of SMS marketing to increase your brand visibility in the local market and convert your audience into customers.

sms marketing for ecommerce

In this guide, we will discuss in detail why SMS marketing is required for your e-commerce business and how to improve strategies that work well for your business.

Why Choose SMS Marketing over Other Conventional Methods?

Today, mobile users have overtaken desktop users when searching on Google. According to Wikipedia, 64% of the users come from mobile searches, and 35% from desktop searches.

The difference is clear: mobile phone users are more likely to get a text back since they can directly access your website and decide what purchase they will make.

Here is why you should opt for SMS marketing over conventional marketing methods.

1. Targeting Larger Audience

Short messaging service (SMS) is an essential feature on every new and old mobile phone.

There are 8.58 billion mobile phones worldwide according to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which indicates that 90% of the population has mobile phones. This statistic shows that you can target Audiences ranging from youngsters to old age people living there.

Unlike email marketing, sending an SMS is way easier, where you need a dedicated internet connection and still need to figure out if the email has been delivered because of the spam filter.

Reaching a larger audience will increase the number of visits to your website and increase your sales.

2. Higher Engagement Rate

Customers find interacting with short and precise messages easier than long-form emails.

SMS quickly grabs users’ attention, and they are more likely to respond to it promptly.

Whether clicking a link, initiating redemption, or filling out a survey, users are likelier to engage over an SMS rather than a long-form email.

3. Higher Open Rate

When sending a text message, there is a 98% chance that the customers will open and interact with it compared to email marketing.

high open rate for ecommerce sms marketing

This clearly shows that there are higher chances that you will be able to reach your customers and convey your message to them most efficiently and reliably.

Read More: Improve SMS Open Rate

4. High Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is higher since people react to SMS instantaneously, which means there are higher chances of getting a response from a potential client.

Moreover, a direct SMS is considered more personal, and the client is more likely to return to you, whether making a purchase or subscribing to a service, ultimately increasing the conversion rate.

5. Time-saving and efficient

SMS marketing is the most time-saving and efficient tool. It allows you to target your audience without any interruption. With a single click, you can send bulk messages to your Audience, which saves a lot of time and effort.

Building Your Store SMS Marketing Strategy 

Various factors must be dealt with when crafting an SMS marketing strategy.

These factors help you formulate a plan that works best for your business and increases your sales and return on investment.

1. Deciding your Goals and objectives

The first and most crucial step in developing an SMS marketing strategy is clearly defining your goals and objectives.

Goals and objectives include what you expect to achieve through SMS marketing, such as increased sales or more subscribers for a service.

Once you have set your goals and objectives, it is time to move to the next step.

2. Identifying the Target Audience

When selecting your target audience, you must conduct rigorous research based on demographics, purchase history, and behavior. Accumulating customer data can help you decide which target audience is perfect for your business.

Use old customers’ data to determine demographics and select your target audience.

3. Choosing the Right SMS Marketing Platform

Many platforms offer SMS marketing, but you must evaluate the platforms based on their segmentation, automation, compliance management, and analytics features.

These platforms allow you to send bulk messages effortlessly without wasting your time. Some popular SMS marketing platforms include SuperchargedSMS, Postscript, Klaviyo, and SMSBump.

4. Crafting the Best Marketing Message

When crafting an SMS marketing message, remember that every word needs to be utilized. Keep the message concise and to the point, and at the end, include a solid call to action to engage and convert the audience into a customer.

Read More: How to Get the Best ROI in SMS Marketing?

How to Grow Your SMS Subscriber List?

Once you have completed the abovementioned steps, it’s time to grow your SMS subscriber. Various methods are used to increase SMS subscribers.

The best practices are listed below:

1. Opt-In Strategies

Best practices for Opt-In strategies include website pop-ups, social media promotions, and in-store sign-ups. Website pop-ups are the most common and effective way to increase SMS subscriber lists.

making an ecom store subscriber list for sms marketing

The critical aspect is that the Opt-In process should be kept simple and transparent so the Audience trusts you.

2. Offering Incentives and Offers

Another effective practice for growing the SMS subscriber list is offering incentives and offers to the Audience. By providing free services like free premium content or free shipping, your Audience can boost your subscriber list.

Supercharged SMS: Your SMS Marketing Partner

Staying ahead of your competitors always helps you to control the market.

To Increase your visibility and sales you require SMS marketing. With SMS marketing you will increase not only the traffic to your websites but also turn the audience into clients. Get started with the best in town.

Supercharged SMS offers smooth and consistent message transit, automation, and segmentation, ensuring you don’t have to worry about a single thing when working with it. Contact us today and start targeting a larger audience with automated SMS marketing for eCommerce stores.

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