Read the Best Use of SMS Marketing for Your Business: A Complete Beginners Guide

July 17, 2024

SMS marketing will become more relevant in 2024 than other novel marketing techniques, such as email marketing. With its ability to directly reach the audience without any delay and ease of use, SMS marketing has gained a lot more popularity.

how to use sms marketing in 2024?

SMS marketing not only helps businesses increase their reach but also increases their sales. Before starting, here is all you need to know about how to use this channel.

What is SMS Marketing?

Short Message Service (SMS) Marketing is a business technique that helps businesses transmit their promotions to customers through text messages.

It involves sending messages that contain promotions, offers, updates, and reminders to attract more clients.

5 Benefits of SMS Marketing

According to the International Telecommunication Union, there are around 8.21 billion Mobile phones in the world.

This number exceeds the total population of the earth, and thus, it can be concluded that at least 90% of the world’s population carry a mobile phone.

This clearly shows that a large audience can be targeted using SMS marketing.

The key benefits of SMS marketing are mentioned below.

1. More Efficient

Text message marketing is the best way to save time and get things done quickly. It lets you focus on your audience without any problems.

Text message marketers can save a lot of time and work by sending many texts with just one click.

2. Direct Communication

Sending SMS is the easiest way to communicate directly with your target audience.

Sending a short and personalized message inculcates a sense of trust among the audience and the business. They are more likely to open the message and interact with you.

sms marketing use for small and medium size businesses

Since mobiles have become a common source for searching online, once they go through your message, there are more chances they will visit your website also.

3. Increased Open Rate

When you send a text message, customers are 98% more likely to open it and respond than when you send an email.

This clearly shows that you have a better chance of reaching your customers and getting your word across to them in the best and most reliable way.

4. High Rate of Conversion

Since people respond instantly to SMS, the conversion rate is higher. This means there is a greater chance of getting an answer from a possible client.

A straight SMS is also seen as more personal, and the client is more likely to contact you again to buy something or sign up for a service, increasing the conversion rate.

5. Higher Engagement

It’s easier for customers to respond to short, clear notes than to long emails. People are more likely to answer an SMS immediately because it gets their attention quickly.

Users are more likely to interact with an SMS than a long-form email when they need to click on a link, start a redemption process, or fill out a poll.

3 Real Case Scenarios

You might need clarification on the messages that can be sent to the audience to increase sales or your online presence.

Here are different real-life scenarios that will help you select the type of SMS marketing for your business.

1. Promotional SMS Marketing

This marketing increases customer interaction if it contains what they want. Promotional messages, such as offers and discounts, increase sales and presence among the masses.

2. Transactional SMS Marketing

Transactional messages contain important information about customers. The information might include order confirmation, product delivery, or shipping updates. This type of SMS marketing helps you build trust among customers.

3. Customer Service

The best thing about SMS marketing is that it can also be used for customer service. According to TextMagic, 78% of people with access to mobile phones prefer chatting over a message to a call.

You can provide quick solutions to customers’ queries without any hassle and collect customer feedback accordingly.

Getting Started with SMS Marketing

Before starting with SMS marketing, you must determine a few things based on your business requirements.

Here is a detailed overview of what you must do to get started.

1. Identifying Aims and Objectives

The first and most crucial step in creating an SMS marketing plan is having clear goals and objectives.

In your goals and aims, write down what you want to achieve with SMS marketing, like more service subscribers or more sales. Once you have your goals and plans, move on to the next step.

2. Choosing a Platform

Many platforms offer SMS marketing, but you must compare them based on their data, segmentation, automation, and compliance management tools.

use sms marketing in the right way to get more customers

These apps allow you to send many messages quickly and easily. SuperchargedSMS is a well-known marketing tool for Shopify store owners to win more orders at pace with minimum spend.

3. Building a Subscriber List

Your SMS marketing will only work if you have a group of people who have agreed to receive your messages.

Offer rewards like discounts or free stuff on your website through opt-in forms, and let people know about your SMS sign-up through email and social media.

Crafting Effective SMS Campaigns

Crafting a campaign that best fulfills your objective and provides efficient results is essential. Below are the major factors to address while formulating your SMS campaign.

Timing and Frequency

Try to avoid annoying your audience by sending them a lot of messages. Keep a balance and send messages when there is a high probability the person will interact with your message.

The best timing varies from business to business.

Target Audience

You can separate your target audience from others by applying various filters such as demographic, purchase history, and activity.

A tailored message for a chosen demographic audience will induce a sense of trust among the individuals and result in a higher order.

Message Content

Note that every word must be used when writing an SMS marketing message.

The message needs to be catchy and to the point, and at the end, include a solid call to action to get people interested and turn them into customers.

You Got Issues, We Got Solutions!

Even with the best strategies, conducting a successful SMS marketing campaign can be challenging. Issues include a low response rate, low conversion, and an unimproved contact list.

Get your issues resolved today with SuperChargedSMS, which ensures the best automation, segmentation, and growing contact list. Contact us today and get started with the best in on Shopify!

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