What is Bulk SMS Marketing & How to Use it as a Business?

July 15, 2024

The digital world is evolving unprecedentedly, and businesses are constantly seeking effective ways to communicate with their audience. Bulk SMS marketing, a conventional method, has emerged again as a powerful medium that offers a direct, immediate, and personal way to reach customers. 

If you adopt the right approach, it will significantly enhance your engagement, and sales, and improve customer relationships. 

bulk sms marketing

Supercharged SMS guide is focused on bulk SMS marketing, its legitimacy, benefits, and expert tips to avoid spam. Lastly, we will discuss its effectiveness for Shopify stores.

What Essentially is Bulk SMS?

Bulk SMS is a method of sending hundreds or thousands of text messages to a wide audience simultaneously. This approach is beneficial for businesses that want to promote products, deliver important updates, or engage with customers directly. However, it can be equally effective for B2B, B2C, and D2C channels.

Compared with other marketing tactics, text boasts incredibly high open rates up to 98% as per our research. So, your message is likely to be seen based on its attention capture. This high level of visibility makes bulk SMS an incredible channel for businesses to lift their reach and communication.

Is it Legitimate to Send Bulk SMS?

Now one question that most businesses ask us is ‘Is it legitimate?’  Absolutely! sending bulk SMS is entirely legitimate as long as businesses comply with relevant regulations. 

In the US, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) requires businesses to obtain explicit consent from their recipients before sending any marketing messages. So, as a business, you should value your customers to gain their consent.

Similarly, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe mandates clear consent and provides guidelines for data protection and privacy. 

benefits of bulk sms marketing

Most importantly, you must offer a straightforward opt-out mechanism, allowing your recipients to unsubscribe from future messages at will. 

Upon compliance with these regulations not only do you ensure the legality of your SMS campaigns but also build trust with your audience.

Benefits of Sending Bulk SMS

The primary benefit of bulk SMS is its high engagement rate. Studies show that this marketing tactic has a 98% open rate (T&C applied), significantly higher than follow-up email marketing. 

So, your message reaches your audience effectively and almost instantly. 

Secondly, SMS are delivered within seconds, making them ideal for time-sensitive promotions or urgent updates. Note that deliverability is highly dependent on your network and medium. Medium like Supercharged SMS will automate the whole process and provide exceptional ROI for your business.

The most critical aspect is cost-effectiveness for Bulk SMS marketing. It offers you a high return on investment (ROI) as businesses can reach a large audience. Its direct and personal nature fosters stronger relationships with customers. 

This direct communication will lead to higher conversion rates, with some campaigns achieving up to 45% conversions.
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Lastly, bulk SMS marketing is scalable much more easily than any other tactic. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, it will fit in your sales funnels and marketing strategies.

The ability to segment your audience and send targeted messages enhances the effectiveness of your campaigns. By tailoring your messages to specific groups, you can increase relevance and engagement.

Expert Tips for Sending Spam-proof Bulk SMS

To ensure your bulk SMS campaigns are effective and not perceived as spam, it is crucial to follow some best practices. 

First, always obtain explicit consent from your recipients before sending any messages. 

This not only complies with regulations but also ensures your audience is interested in your messages, reducing the likelihood of complaints.

Personalizing your messages can significantly improve engagement. Use the recipient’s name and tailor the content to their preferences. 

Personalized messages are more likely to be read and appreciated, making them less likely to be seen as spam.

Providing clear opt-out options is another critical aspect. Make it easy for recipients to unsubscribe from your messages. 

This transparency reduces complaints and enhances the overall effectiveness of your campaign.

Keeping your messages concise and relevant is essential. Avoid lengthy messages and stick to the point. 

Short, relevant content maintains interest and reduces the chance of being marked as spam. Additionally, continuously test different message formats, send times, and content to find what works best for your audience. 

Use analytics to refine your strategy and improve results over time.

Read More: How to Use SMS Marketing Effectively

Does Bulk SMS Marketing Work for Shopify Stores?

Bulk SMS marketing will be particularly effective for Shopify store owners. It offers a direct and personal way to communicate with customers, driving traffic, boosting sales, and enhancing engagement. 

One of the primary uses of bulk SMS for Shopify stores is sending promotional campaigns. Time-sensitive discounts and offers sent via SMS can encourage immediate purchases, significantly increasing sales.

Order updates are another crucial aspect. Keeping customers informed about their order status, shipping updates, and delivery confirmations through SMS ensures a positive customer experience. 

This level of communication builds trust and encourages repeat business.

Abandoned cart reminders are also highly effective when sent via SMS. Statistics show that SMS reminders can recover up to 20% of abandoned carts.

 By sending a gentle reminder to customers who have left items in their cart, you can encourage them to complete their purchase, boosting your sales.

Gathering customer feedback through SMS is another valuable use case. Sending quick surveys or asking for feedback on recent purchases helps you understand your customers’ needs and improve your products and services. 

Additionally, informing customers about loyalty programs and exclusive offers via SMS can foster customer retention and loyalty.


Bulk SMS marketing is a powerful tool for businesses looking to enhance their communication strategy. 

By understanding its benefits, complying with regulations, and implementing expert tips, businesses can leverage bulk SMS to drive engagement, increase sales, and build stronger customer relationships. 

For Shopify store owners, the impact can be particularly significant, providing a direct and personal way to connect with customers and boost business growth.

With its high open rates, immediate delivery, and cost-effectiveness, bulk SMS offers a compelling way to reach your audience. 

By following best practices and continuously optimizing your campaigns, you can maximize the potential of bulk SMS marketing and achieve your business goals.

Read More: SMS Marketing for eCommerce Business

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